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Prof. Barry Cyril Sanders from University of Calgary, Canada Visited the Lab

Post Time:2015-04-10 15:08  Clink Times:805

On April 8, 2015, at the invitation of Cyber Security Research Center in State Key Laboratory of Networking and Switching, Associate Professor Zeng Bei from University of Guelph, Canadian Institute of Physics, Associate Researcher Zhou Duanlu, Professor Kou Supeng from Beijing Normal University, Associate Professor Wang Chuan from School of Science in BUPT visited the lab and participated in a seminar with the teachers and students in the lab. Associate Professor Zeng Bei delivered the academic report entitled "Symmetries of Codeword Stabilized Quantum Codes", systematically introduced the definition, development and research status of Quantum Stabilizer Codes. Zhou Duanlu delivered the academic report entitled "Directional maps on the limited domain", introducing a new pattern, the concept of directed graph on finite domains and the latest research progress. This report is moderated by Prof. Gao Fei from the Center of Cyber Security Research. After the meeting, four experts also asked the teachers and students in the question of in-depth and meticulous answer. This expert lecture not only opened up the vision of teachers and students, but also provided everyone with a more in-depth understanding of Quantum Stabilizer Codes and figure.

 Associate Professor Zeng Bei worked at the University of Guelph in Canada, who had outstanding achievements in the quantum coding theory, the equivalence of stable states, multi-body quantum entanglement, one-way quantum computation theory and other aspects, related papers published in Nature Physics, Physical Review Letters and other top international journals. At present, the research interests of Associate Professor Zeng Bei include the extension of Hadamard Matrix, irreducible multi-party association, state dilation and symmetric stabilization sub codes.

Associate Researcher Zhou Duanlu works at the Institute of Physics, CAS, whose the main research direction is quantum information and quantum computation theory, quantum optics and cold atom physics, quantum measurement and quantum decoherence. He has published 3 papers in Physical Review Letters, and more than 20 papers in the United States Physical Review series. At present, the research interests of Associate Researcher Zhou Duanlu include the measurement of multi-body Association and its application in multi body physics, Bose Einstein condensation, quantum communication and quantum computation in optical microcavity.


April 10th,2015